

Cloudflare 404 Not Found error

This article will guide you on differerent methods to fix Cloudflare 404 Not Found #error which occurs when website content has been removed or moved to another URL. 

There are also other reasons why an error message could appear. 

The URL or its content (such as files or images) was either deleted or moved (without adjusting any internal links accordingly).

To fix #Cloudflare #404 error:

1. Retry the web page by pressing F5, clicking/tapping the refresh/reload button, or trying the URL from the address bar again.

2. Check for errors in the URL.

3. Move up one directory level at a time in the URL until you find something.

4. Search for the page from a popular search engine.

Important factors relating to 404 error:

i. A 404 not found error is an HTTP status code that means that the page you wanted to access a website couldn't be found on their server. 

ii. Did you know that search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, will get a negative impression of a website if it has too many HTTP 404 errors?

iii. A 404 is an HTTP status code that means you're able to communicate with the server but the server can't find the specific page.

Cloudflare 403 forbidden error

This article will guide you in fixing Cloudflare 403 forbidden error. The Cloudflare error is caused by server end. The major reasons for this error are IP deny rules, #permissions rules, or browser #cache. 

To fix Cloudflare #error?

Contact your site administrator or hosting provider to eliminate these common causes:

1. Ensure your origin web server is responsive.

2. Review origin web server error logs to identify web server application crashes or outages.

3. Confirm #Cloudflare IP addresses are not blocked or rate limited.

4. Allow all Cloudflare IP ranges in your origin web server's firewall or other security software.

Drupal Unexpected Error

This article will guide you on how to fix #drupal unexpected error. Drupal error occurs due to many reasons that include corrupt #database, non-compatible modules installation, cache, #PHP configuration, custom codes, and so on. 

1. An "Internal Server Error" is an #error on the web server that you're trying to access. 2. That server is misconfigured in some way that is preventing it from responding properly to what you're asking for. 

3. An "Internal Server Error" often occurs due to: Misconfigured Drupal core file or folder read and write permissions.

To clear cache in #Drupal:

i. In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Configuration > Development > Performance (admin/config/development/performance).

ii. Click Clear all caches.

iii. A message saying the cache has been cleared appears at the top of the page.

Push Notification using Firebase Cloud Messaging

This article will guide you on steps to set up push notifications. Also, you will learn how to set up push notification using Firebase.  

#Firebase #Notifications is a free service that enables user notifications for Android and iOS devices. These notifications can be directed at your individual users; to topics that they subscribe to; or to segments defined by analytics audiences.

Notification messages are handled by the FCM SDK automatically and displays the message to end-user devices on behalf of the client app. Notification messages have a predefined set of user-visible keys and an optional data payload of custom key-value pairs.

To the end user, push notifications may not seem noticeably different from marketing communications via SMS or email. 

However, from a mobile app's end, push notifications are an enormous improvement in terms of reliability and sophistication to SMS.

To check my firebase push notifications:

1. #Install and run the app on the target device.

2. Make sure the app is in the background on the device.

3. Open the Notifications composer and select New notification.

4. Enter the message text.

5. Select Send test message.

Benefits of Push notification

This article is about the different benefits of push notifications. Basically, the push #notifications benefits the #website in improving the traffic. 

Push notifications can considerably enhance your customer experience. They're less intrusive than other forms of user engagement and can effectively drive traffic and help users by providing useful information. They allow your users to keep up with the latest updates, promotions, and offers.

DNS Amplification Attack

This article will guide you on different methods to mitigate DNS amplification attack. Basically, DDoS attacks can really freeze websites or even cause server downtime. 

DNS flood is a type of Distributed Denial of Service (#DDoS) attack in which the attacker targets one or more Domain Name System (DNS) servers belonging to a given zone, attempting to hamper resolution of resource records of that zone and its sub-zones.

A Domain Name Server (#DNS) Amplification attack is a popular form of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), in which attackers use publically accessible open DNS servers to flood a target system with DNS response traffic.

1. UDP reflection attacks exploit the fact that UDP is a stateless protocol.

2. An attacker then sends the UDP packet containing the spoofed source IP to an intermediate server. 

3. The server is tricked into sending its UDP response packets to the targeted victim IP rather than back to the attacker's IP address.